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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Unbranded man love—GET YOU SOME.

*cue SEO nightmare about to rain down upon this here blog*

Via Love in the Dumps comes some sort of unbranded campaign for The Man’s Guide To Actor’s Portraying Real Guys Talking About Why They’re Giving Advice on the Street Instead of Dating. that proffers advice from males ISO... people who need advice, I guess. No affiliation with a dating site that I see, but expect a female version soon enough.


Matt Brand said...

It's a total sham!! Doesn't anyone else see that?!

Zoe Blue said...

Yup. Totally called it a few days ago.

Think about it: Mysterious website starts to go viral on Jezebel and Gawker, but there's no "About" information on the site and the daily videos are professionally made. guess is it's a dating site. Maybe a new one.