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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Because mangled English grammar with funny accents still wins.

Even if DIRECTV’s service was a fail in our house, love your spot! And that’s all that matters, eh Sergei?

(Agency: Grey NY.)

1 comment:

RFB said...

The attention to detail in this spot is just awesome. Dogs playing poker, thug bodyguards, Van Gogh's "Starry Night," photograph of the oligarch with the World Cup winners, golden grapes (which he eats) and a miniature giraffe. Even down to girlfriend #1 keeps casting evil looks at girlfriend #2 and the final tagline "More on the Facingbook." This spot is a total winner. Maybe a stereotype of the rich Russian, but since when is making fun of Russians a crime?

Now the character needs to answer tweets and post hundreds of videos to YouTube in one day.