advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Just a heads up.

Posting may be light at the ranch this week. Duty calls. Of course, but then, I may surprise you too and throw up 15 at once. Either way, there’s a twenty on the counter if you wanna call Domino’s, and don’t stay up too late.


Howeezer said...

freaking hilarious!

Everyman* (There's always a Disclaimer) said...

uh...yeah.....somebody's gotta be consistent. and it sure ain't me.
thanx for the heads up. yet the conspiracy theories to explain your absence could be fun.

--- you're the next guerilla marketing plan in promoting the Birds. "Bills" falling out of the sky. "Green" popping up all over the joint. Kinda lame but let me think about it.