advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Friday, March 4, 2011

AdVerve 66 - Relationships in advertising

Play the show now.

Dear friend and fellow podcaster Bob Knorpp of the notorious BeanCast (@TheBeanCast) joins us to get intimate about relationships in advertising:
  • How your personal life gets affected by your strange work, weird hours and random traveling
  • How love can bloom in the damnedest ways
  • How a combination of loneliness and drinking can make even the most stalwart ad soldier a slobbering mess of hold-me-closies
  • How intimacy can bloom in many awesome, dangerous or dangerously awesome forms. We talk Father Figure Complex!
  • Prioritising personal + professional time
The whole thing wraps nahcely with our homegrown takeaway relationships-in-advertising advice. And there's a few stories in there that as usual will probably get us all into trouble. We live dangerously in these here internets.

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