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Thursday, June 22, 2006

Next Head Coach - US National Soccer Team.

I nominate Rich Kotite, former NY Jets head coach. Why not. He couldn’t do any worse than Bruce Arena. As a fan, you may tend to put it on the players at times to perform, and I do. But players actually have to be out there on a regular basis, not switched every single game. For what? Just to mix up a line-up to see what happens?

Not to mention the shit game plan to work with they had. One that has them playing with a defensive mindset the whole time. Soccer is a game of creating opportunities. Taking risks. We show none of it. Bruce, how’s it feel knowing you have job security no matter how the team plays? Please do the right thing, step down. The US program needs a change in its basic playing philosophy or it will continue to be regarded as the redheaded step-child of futbol.

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Anonymous said...

MP, can you help with the case of Ghanarena that I am afflicted with today?

Alas, nobody can.

HighJive said...

sorry, kotite is not available. he's happy with his current position — working the grill at the local waffle house.