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Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Esteban is real.

So-kay, sitting there trying to get my damn wireless router set up to work with the Mac and PC. Flipping through the channels, tired of the CNN segments with experts on barbs at the San Diego Zoo talk about stingrays, and I come across a Geico infomerical.

Oh yeah. Esteban is there hawking his Master Class Cutaway Guitar Package® at 1:00 am, and I’m thinking, brilliant. Geico actually took the character from an older TV spot and expanded it.

Only, Esteban is real.

Am I the only one who knew? Where was I when that email went out. I thought The Martin Agency was brilliant in developing this ficticious character some time ago when I first saw him sitting there throwing out Esteban Wisdom. Then they came out with the new celebrity spots and took the campaign in yet another direction. (Looking at both, I think I’d like to also see the current spots done up the way Esteban’s was.)

Anyway, hurry up and order to get the DVDs and awesome guitar! There are only 267 left:

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