advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Friday, November 3, 2006

“Make it edgy... but not too edgy,” it’s blog love Friday.

“Can you make the fin bigger?” New ad blog to check out called AdVerbatims. Has some of your all-time favs from the biz like that one in the title. Go ahead and submit. (And yes, my moniker was sent in.) In keeping with the ILP* theme, found it on Adrants, Adfreak, and Adland.

Some other new blogs I added this week-ish: racelicious keeps the eye on diversity themes with input from HighJive. Heresy has odd stuff I love. If you dig movie marketing madness like me, then there ya’ go. Also in the mix is The Copywriter Underground, for, well, copywriters.

Tags: , ......*Incestous Link Party


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link love! I've also really been enjoying your comments on our blog. Hope you drop by often! :)

Anonymous said...

I have to post in other places. People get sick of me when I spend too much time here.
