advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

New Milan comes with iTunes and unhappy girlfriend.

Saw this ad and thought, Ford’s going to do something cool with an iPod and a Milan. And even though VW already had the iPod thing, I figured, hey, Ford’s trying with this tie-in. Two things though.

First, girlfriend looks fed up and ready to bail. Nice brand message.

Second, when you want to ‘view details’ it takes you to a product section on Ford’s site that doesn’t describe how and where the iPod connects. (I’m no idiot – much – I can figure it out, that’s not the point.) You just shouldn’t have to drill down 50 levels to MULTIPLE STORAGE UNITS to find a pic of an iPod, let alone any mention of the word at all. Even Sirius gets a plug on a site that seems to want to downplay the whole thing.

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