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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Unofficial BG* Man Law.

*Blogger Generated.

It’s 12:00 am-ish. You’re up in six hours. Top Gun, the original Longest Yard or Die Hard is on TBS. C’mon, you have to watch it. That’s not just a guy requirement, that’s a Man Law.

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RFB said...

Take out Top Gun and maybe.

Staying up to watch Top Gun is Gay Man Law.

Anonymous said...

Ok, we have a motion on the floor to remove Top Gun. Let’s have a continuance on it until more members have a chance to vote.

For the time being, we will substitute Lethal Weapon in its place.


Anonymous said...

Approved. For the time being.

Brushback said...

Power to the people!

czeltic girl said...

Wait -- can I get in on this even though I'm a girl? 'Coz a) I'm not a girlie-girl and b) if Die Hard is on, I'm not going anywhere.

Same goes if it's Tombstone.

Anyhow... approved with the removal of Top Gun. (Even though I loves me some Val Kilmer, I utterly dispise Tom Cruise and have never been able to bring myself to watch it.)

Anonymous said...


Five's is a call that you make when you get up from a seat that gurantees that seat to be yours for the next five minutes. The men of the round table have enacted a motion to put restrictions on the fives rule. Here is what they have come up with. Please join this group to enact this as the first man-law ammendment. This is the official fives group, help us build up this group by joining and proposing new Fives amendments. It will make you a part of man law history: