advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Monday, January 8, 2007

3 things brands should already be doing.

It’s 2007, and these minor but annoying things are still being done by major brands. Time to stop.

1) Please remove the ‘www’ before any url in all advertising and print collateral. Even my dial-up 56k mother-in-law understands that is a website without it.

2) Beer and alcohol sites: age verification is a joke. Lose it.

3) Any brand that goes through the effort and expense of producing TV spots or virals should also have a link to them on their website. Don’t want to hear about bandwidth issues either. At the very least, have an intern at your ad agency or on your brand post them on YouTube and link to them from there.


Stanley Johnson said...

Spot on with all three. The age verification reminds me of when I worked on the Bud Whassup!? site in the UK. We felt the ID thing was a complete joke so we had a pic of a guy showing his fake ID card. Client loved it and ran with it.

RFB said...

I've been advising the dropping of www. for five years now. I heard a radio spot not long ago (AM, of course) in which the business owner/announcer actually says his web address as follows:

"H-T-T-P, colon, forward slash, forward slash, w-w-w, dot.....etc."