advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

I’m Lucinda Basset, and you’re full of

...stress. You just don’t know it. Oh sure you may be sleeping fine, but you only think you are. The pressure of everyday life has worn you down. You just don’t know it. You say you have a great life with a great husband or wife and even a great job? No you don’t. You’re a mess. You just don’t know it. Take my radio commercials. How I sound is how you feel. You just don’t know it. Inside, I’m a mess. I can’t sleep. My friends, well, if I had any, wouldn’t want to hang out with me. There are even years where I don’t feel like leaving the house. Those books with me smiling? My website pics? Inside, I’m a mess. I just don’t know it. Sigh.

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