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Saturday, January 6, 2007

The Naked Cowbo..., er, Trucker & T-Bones Show.

Notice a theme to this week’s posts Logo freaks? Rhymes with ‘rip-off’ homage. Didn’t plan it, just going with the flow. Maybe the real Kramer and the real Naked Cowboy, (a.k.a. Robert John Burck), can get together and cry in their beers. I feel bad for the guy. Comes to NY trying to make it big. Develops a little schtick, does the ‘stand outside and freeze yer nuts off’ routine for how many years?

Now, Comedy Central comes out with a new show called The Naked Trucker & T-Bones Show with a character that sure looks an awful like it was based on him. Trailer looks funny enough, and it’s obvious the redneck humor wave still has some riding left. (If it wasn’t for Jeff Foxworthy, the Lenny Bruce of redneck comedy, just where would the likes of Ricky Bobby ever be?) As for Robert, y’all can expect some royalty checks comin’ your way any day now, ya hear? (That’s my bad Southern phonetical accent coming out in honor of USA and Monk.)

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that it's only fair that The Naked Cowboy should get royalty fees for it. The Naked Cowboy is well known all over the world; I've never seen the naked Trucker guy freezing his gonads in the middle of winter for what seems like forever in the middle of Manhattan.