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Thursday, January 4, 2007

Stay sharp with Mt. Dew MDX.

Ok, I admit it, I’m a Dew freak. It got me through college – and my career. But I just discovered they put more caffeine in it and came up with MDX. Is that even possible? This shit makes lab rats explode and now they cranked it up to 11? They also have a website called with funky TV spots. They basically show various weirdness and quiz you on the things you remember about them. This works because it goes back to the core of the brand: Dew MDX keeps you alert.

And while I tore Suzuki a new one for paying homage stealing from BMW, the third spot shows a guy going through multiple wardrobe changes in the same way the recent iPod spot did. Only here, they use that as the stepping-off point to distract you from the real purpose: remembering what items were in the spot. Now that’s how you Dew that.

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