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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Or are you a chimp?

At first I was like, okay, maybe Hartz was going for the ‘cat person’ or ‘dog person’ thing. But when you go to the website, it switches from talking to pets to talking to people. So I guess I’m clueless here as to the audience. Anyway, take the quiz and find out:
1. Do you run around in circles outside while your human tapes it for YouTube?
2. Do you trash the furniture when they leave you home alone for more than an hour?
3. Is that food on the plate your owner left while she answers the phone so gone?
4. Which of the following is the best time to get your human to take you out:
...A) 72 and sunny with a plasma TV and barbecue going on the front lawn.
...B) 11:00 pm and raining.
5. Do you destroy slippers with extreme prejudice?
How’d ya do? Congrats! if you answered yes or ‘B’ to any of these, YOU’RE A FUCKING DOG! (Cats, just, like, swap out cat questions or something. I dunno. I’m not a ‘cat person.’)

1 comment:

the girl Riot™ said...

i am a cat.
i resent this.

(My friend Steve likes cats. People are always saying "Oh, Steve’s really a cat person." No he’s not. If Steve were a cat person it’d be, like, "Hey, Steve never goes in the pool." -- Demetri Martin)