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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Vote now—or else.

Or else ... nothing.

(Tip to Angela.)


phillybikeboy said...

I get the point they're trying to make, but what's missing is the why. The spot makes a powerful statement that at some sort of turning point--apparently between empire the third world--and something needs to be done. But to simply suggest voting as a solution? Vote for who? We're supposed to buy into, "It's time to "take my country back." But from who? It fails in that it doesn't commit. It's like going to your doctor, and being told, "You're going to die, you should really do something about that." Gee, thanks.

Of course, that ignores their whole stupid notion that the fall of the American Empire will result in despair and ruin. Spain, England, and the Dutch all had empires, and now they don't, and so what? They're doing okay. There is much to suggest that, if handled properly, the end of the American ascendancy will result in us being better off. Of course, that's a bigger discussion than a forty second clip allows.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I agree there. Activism without a particular candidate. Still, not voting as future peril is a strong theme here.