advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Social media abandonment.

I’ve joined so many groups that I have done absolutely nothing with. Feels similar to how people add something to an online shopping cart for later after having researched the hell out of it, but then never buy. Or the multiple sites people comparison shop on after having used up most of the client’s pay per click budget. Abandonment ensues!

Same too with the gajillion sites I’ve signed up for and don’t use much, if at all. I have a core group of things I use religiously each day: email, Blogger, Twitter, and IM. Everything else? Well, the 60 icons sure do look cool at a glance, but I don’t use them all. Who does? As for groups on MySpace, Facebook, Adholes and AdGabber, well, I try.

Don’t get me wrong. I usually start out having every intention of sticking with a particular site or group, but it almost never lasts. Lot of these places I signed up for was as a courtesy, simply because a person I knew asked and I didn’t feel like being a dick by saying no. Still yet other groups, I joined on my own. Either way, I’ve abandoned most of them. I’m sure there’s a phrase for this that someone will coin, maybe pre-mature Joinification? Group Dysfunction 3.0?


Andy Jukes said...

Small as it is, I love that image.

Miles said...

I feel you on this one. I smell a collapse for maybe 75% of these sites either this year or next.