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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

You will die if you go to SXSW and change your name to SyxSyw.

Those and other urban legends. This week, I try and keep up with Host Bob™, Ben Kunz, Brian Morrissey from Adweek, and Hal Goodtree. Rants include why SciFi > SyFy will suck, why AIG is just the tip of the give back your profits iceberg, and how awesome 10,000 people Twittering the same damn thing from sxsw is. (Skype also finally caught up with me this week. If I sound like I’m stopping abruptly at times and trailing off—more than usual—it was because
I could only hear every other word on delay when talking, which really threw my timing off. Excuses now over, we return you to the show.)

Download it directly here. Topics here. You can also follow us Twitter: TheBeanCast, mtlb, benkunz, bmorrissey and hal990.


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