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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Geeks inheriting the mirth.

Part of me goes, why? Part of me goes, HA, very cool. Racer is part video slash cardboard, part Wipeout recreation. Gonna need a new name for this analog slash low-fi recreations of digital experiences that keep happening more and more though: Digilog? Analogic? There’s another trend going on here too highlighted by Jehmlich and Matthes Mikysec’s creation, where the better the available tech gets, the more retro things people want do with it, almost as if they reject the promise of the future by looking to the past. Oh the humanity duality! Maybe it’ll be more like flash mob moonlight bowling: People gathering to play analog versions of digital classics in some large space. The important question then becomes: How much is a ride in a cardboard box worth? .25¢ for two minutes? You BYOB?

(Via Gajitz.)

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