advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

More ad stuff to retire.

Since I already covered a robust list of ad words to retire, I want to expand it to include general ad things to retire. Some people hate clowns. Others hate mimes. My latest peeve is the sound of a beer being poured into a glass in any radio spot.

Can’t explain it. Can’t figure it out. Don’t want to. Not gonna try. I just hate that sound. I know, how the hell are you supposed to show beer on the radio. You don’t. But I don’t care about that right now.

Someone will figure it out though. Crispin will probably have a radio spot for some beer in a month where the VO goes: ”See this bottle?” and win a shitload of awards. Again. (And if they do, I want partial credit.)

But for now, that sound is an aural irritant on par with fingernails on a chalkboard.

There. I said it.

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HighJive said...

Funny thing is, the sound is probably not even real beer pouring. Bet a studio engineer discovered it was more dramatic and authentic-sounding to urinate into a brass spittoon, or something equally bizarre.

Anonymous said...

While highjive might be right on the actual sound being something else, knowing audio engineers, I'd say there were plenty of beers poured, recorded, and properly disposed of along the way.

As long as we're on herdlike ad trends, I think we're finally done with the schtick of people sitting around a table making suggestions about a course of action, say an ill advised promotion, , and then imagining the unfortunate and humorous consequences before deciding, "Nah." It was funny for a while.Then it was theft. I mean homage, as George would say.

Maulleigh said...

I will laugh with joy the day advertisers stop having:

Young dumb guys saying dumb things
Anybody but a black person rap/act street (i.e. grandmothers who breakdance in an afghan and pearls)

Anonymous said...

hj - Oh, it’s beer alright. I’d know that evil sound anywhere.

evy - Knowing George, I think it would be a ‘fucking’ homage.

maull- Excellent!!! That reminds of another one of mine: white boys playin’ the blues and singin like they were channeling Robert Johnson. Stop. Just stop. (Note to Applebee’s duo, next time you‘re at the beach, turn around and keep walking out farther, and keep playing like the band on the titanic.)

There was only one other white boy who had the funk in addition to Jason Williams on the Heat, (and don’t EVEN get me started on Clapton). His initials are SRV, and you know the rest of that story.

Like Denis Leary said, Stevie Ray dies in a crash and we can’t even get Jon Bon Jovi on a helicopter.