advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Hit it.

Road trip time. Chicago by nightfall. Land of Cheese after that. Maybe. So you kids comment amongst yourselves and I’ll be back live on tha mic Thursday-ish. Bitch about election results. Rejoice. Whatever gets you crazy. Just remember, while you may think all those political ads are over and done with, Hillary starts her run today for 2008.

Just sayin.


drc said...

Coming to see us in the Great State of Wisconsin? Be sure and wave!!!!

Moda di Magno said...

Looking forward to hearing the words Madame Speaker am excited at the prospect of Madame President as long as it's not "President Condi."

Anonymous said...

blogging about cool stuff you get in the mail would be, well, cool

u no hoo

RFB said...

Dawg, the Obama Wagon Train done just begun.

Hillary Who, yo!?

"das whudahmtalkinbout"

HighJive said...

are you driving a rehabbed ice cream truck with a wild bear in the back?

Anonymous said...

anon - lotta stuff got tossed in my spam folder. Resend whatever you're talking about. gracias.