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Friday, December 22, 2006

12 or so things that bothered me this year.

It’s kinda like the 12 days of Christmas, only, not. More like, a baker’s dozen of misery:

1) The guy to the left doing play-by-play for any NFL game. Stick to reports on jockeys who need to keep their weight down.

2) Cellphones + drivers.

3) Chillabrations, ‘Fash’-ons and anything blinged, pimped or ‘phat’-ted.

4) No Geico cavemen sitcom.

5) Non-drunk racist celebrities who aren’t really racist.

6) Drunk racist celebrities who aren’t really racist.

7) Drunk with power world leaders.

8) Change agents, rock stars not named Slash and new media cheerleaders.

9) Realizing that typing a long-ass name like ‘makethelogobigger’ really bites every time you make a comment at someone else’s blog.

10) The only thing worse is if you ever had to write it out on a fake blog.

11) Lists.

12) Not enough Gary Busey or Danny Bonaduce in reality shows. Ever.

13) Jared. Ever.

Got any of your own?


HighJive said...

the thing i hate more than subway's jared: those "he went to jared" jewelry commercials.

Maulleigh said...

I'm still sick of 9/11.