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Monday, January 29, 2007

HAI KARATE! The original Axe.

Over 30 years ago, before Axe was, well, Axe, there was Hai Karate. Among a select group of ‘scents,’ Hai Karate was the original liquid lust. Sure, you had Old Spice, Aqua Velva and wait for it – English Leather. But HK stood head and shoulders above the rest. With a warning like “Be careful how you use it,” what woman could resist our man Wendell after he splashed some on. Even the TV spots were geared around self-defense. It also came with its own guide on how to protect yourself. Sassy. And although it’s discontinued, you can still find it on ebay. (Click image to enlarge.)
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Anonymous said...

I remember that my Dad used that in the 1970s.

Maulleigh said...

I don't understand the whole axe phenomenon. Perhaps it's what the kids are using.

RFB said...

It's all about the kids. Smelled a middle schooler lately? Moms, stop buying your sons Axe.

Sassy. Heh. Long live Phil Hartman.

Alan Wolk said...

Nice catch bro.
This is exactly what Axe is doing. Further proof of the Parkerian maxim that there are no new ideas.

copyranter said...

Best. Scent. Name. Ever.

Matt Brand said...

and don't forget MANDOM!