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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Christopher Guest is safe.

Dabitch at Adland found a gem from Kodak called Ink Is It. If the video is supposed to be a mocumentary, it’s way over the top. I don’t even wanna hear “it’s supposed to be.” Guest’s shit is brilliant because the performances are subtle and understated. Even if it was a spoof of DIY designer shows out there, it’s still too much. (Site has a shooter game but where’s the product tie-in? Contest is not up yet either.)



RFB said...
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Alan Wolk said...

Yeah it's funny. For a mocku-show about printer inks. Given the range of things I could spend 60 seconds watching, this wouldn't be one of them. I muddled through it as a courtesy to you, solid amphibian though I am. But it's ink, dude. And ink's just not that funny.