advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Citgo’s discount oil. 1-877-CHEAP PLOY.

There’s so much about this Citgo commercial I hate. Should people in need have access to cheaper heating oil? Yes. Absolutely. But everything else about it, including the agenda behind it, feels wrong. Hugo Chavez Joe Kennedy might want to spend time calling other oil companies like Mobil to try and match this offer. Or even try Canada, considering we get 40% of our oil from them. I think they might be up for offering a discount to one of their best customers.

As for the ad itself, well, there’s not much missing from it save for a few rats scurrying along in the background as the old woman drags the bed into the kitchen. Then we cue the uplifting music, and voilà, Chavez Citgo saves the day. They left off the url though. Hey Joe, if you’re gonna be a puppet in some dictator’s PR war, do it right and at least help him spread the word to as many people as you can. If you want, call Joe and tell him how much you like this whole oil idea at 1-877-JOE-4-OFFICE 1-877-JOE-4-OIL.

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Anonymous said...

you nix chavez giving cheap oil as a ploy (helping US poor). Doesnt George Bush / Cheney have oil connections? Isnt he president of the US (I used to think this post comes with responibility to help citizens) Why doesnt he go home to Texas and work out a deal to get cheap heating oil for persons?
(OH WAIT... this may lower profits for texans. never mind)
ask Canada. Ask anyone but americans.


Anonymous said...

Hey, nobody is innocent in all of this. I don't let Bush off the hook and I let Chavez off of it even less. Regardless of how well-intentioned the plan is, and it is, Chavez has thumped his chest enough and yelled for any who will listen that he is anti-American. Fuck him. In America I can say that and nobody cares. In Venezuela? I’m in prison or dead. So yeah, go ahead and support Chavez, the second coming of Castro—at best.

And you missed the focus on Joe Kennedy supporting this as a political move. I haven't heard one attempt by any politican, let alone Bush or Kennedy, to gp after other oil companies. Only when Chavez's offer comes along, which helps the Dems anti-Bush movement, does Joe jump at the chance.