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Saturday, March 10, 2007

300: Lord of the Hero Gladiator Rings.

It was either that title or this one: Frazetta Finally Filmed. Either way, It definitely fits in with the gladiator genre, and a host of other fantasy epics as well. Let’s just say the homage needle was pinned. There’s some absolutely gorgeous shots, along with more action and less introspection than you saw in Braveheart or Gladiator, (which this will ineveitably be compared to). Is it a better movie than both of those? That’s like asking what’s a better Vietnam movie, Platoon, Full Metal or Apocalypse. They’re all great movies with different takes on the same theme.

Worth noting is Gerard Butler as lead bloodletter, who belts out a ton of inspiring speeches straight from the Conan meets William Wallace motivational handbook. Also of note is how so much of the very explicit Frank Miller violence felt so clean, almost like it came from a video game. Not a complaint by any means. Absolutely worth seeing if you’re into the genre. (And of course, what movie review would be complete without me mentioning that yes, small children again were brought to a film like this. I’m no Pat Boone, but there’s a time and place people. Think.)

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Irene Done said...

I loved everything about this movie. All of it. But do we really believe that 6 weeks of intense training can turn The Phantom of the Opera into Mr Universe?

And yes, the couple in front of me brought their 5-year old daughter. I started to be outraged but then I remembered that my parents took me to see Blazing Saddles when I was about that same age. I kinda understood that Mongo really didn't punch that horse.

Anonymous said...

My dad took me to see 2001 when I was five. I still haven’t recovered.

SchizoFishNChimps said...

My toddler loved Kill Bill. She's still into yellow tracksuits.

Irene Done said...

I saw 2001 as an adult and I never will recover. It really coulda used a campfire-side sound effects scene.

Anonymous said...

The ape/chimp/monkey bone throw scene thing freaked me out the most.