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Saturday, April 21, 2007

$8 more please.

I know this one’s copyranter territory, but I couldn’t help it. I was listening to Mayor Bloomberg talk about his idea to add a Manhattan congestion surcharge of $8 for those driving below 86th Street from 6 am to 6 pm. Sweet. (He was on Fox WABC radio/NYC with Sean Hannity Lite® John Gambling for his weekly How Great Am I segment.) Amazing how every caller loved the mayor and nobody talked about his idea! Guess they’re all for it. Gosh, a few even hoped he’d run for president! (If there’s a station that kisses more politician ass, I haven’t heard it.)

Next up for NYC–a walking fee, a breathing fee and a construction debris hit me on the head fee.


1 comment:

Irene Done said...

London's mayor was the first to come up with a congestion tax -- but he's a true socialist so what do you expect? Bloomberg proves my theory that people are fiercely anti-tax and anti-regulation before they make their fortune but as soon as the money's in the bank, they become the worst sort of big-government, nanny-state champions out there.

Sorry to get all political there. I think it's out of my system now.