Either way though, it just may not matter. As I said months ago before the political hacks did, President Thompson enters the race. Lieberman’s his running mate. Bob’s your uncle. Not saying I like it. Just sayin. (Thompson needs a running mate with international cred, so Condi or even Colin Powell could be an outside pick here. The rest of the GOP is weak, Rudi’s strength during 9/11 notwithstanding.) Still, I’m sticking with the good senator from Connecticut though. 2008 will come down to Iraq, not social security, immigration or healthcare. Obama is the speaker Hillary can never be and he’ll capture the hearts and minds Hillary can’t. Still, the GOP machine will again plant the seeds of doubt in voters’ minds as to who’s man enough to deal with the Middle East. Failing that? Bush will pull an early October surprise around July and the Dems won’t have the war to use politically.
Get used to it son. There’s gonna be an old new sheriff in town. Don’t think it can happen? Two words: Ronald Reagan. UPDATE: And so it begins.
Tags: Fred Thompson, Billary, Hillary, Obama
Forgive me for overstating the obvious, but the only reason these two candidates (Obillary) haven't hooked up - aside from the pitching/catching conundrum - is the very real possibility that one of them could pull a Howard Dean and drag them both to the bottom of a deep deep sea.
And don't think the Republicans aren't writing that score right now.
Shit, Democrats EXPECT one or both of these candidates to implode somehow.
Powers Boothe (aka Vice President Noah Daniels) throws his hat in the ring.
He's an actor - and he's played an acting President. And his name is very presidential.
Eh, but Powers has that Jim Jones role in his past. Not sure I want that in the White House. Oh sure, he fought the Russkies on American soil in Red Dawn, but Fred has always been stalwart in his roles. FBI director. Captain of an aircraft carrier. Russkies? He knows Russkie plans, mister.
Stalwart indeed.
james, in my mind though the only reasons they haven't yet is the hubris every candidate suffers from: “I can win this thing,” even if they're only showing 12 in the polls. Inevitably though, they leave the summer convention with a clear choice at #1. #2 isn’t going to run on their own in that case, so the question becomes will they settle for VP status. Most do.
Right now with the way Obama has climbed, I bet Billary is in shock and not a lock anymore. She may stall if he keeps climbing because I think she's already written herself in for Prez and wouldn’t settle for VP. Which is too bad because I think obama and her in either position would make an interesting team.
As for Howard Dean moments, I think the GOP and their base already know what Hillary’s consist of. She's shrill, loud and has that pesky association with Bill. Other than that, I don't see a lot of surprises with her. I think she's so measured now in her actions and speech, that she's playing prevent D and playing not to lose.
Obama's past is the wild card the GOP can't figure out yet, so they'll start by attacking our perceptions of Obama and race, and at rallies in Ohio somewhere, a GOP booster will make a joke about his name and Osama–again. People laugh, word gets around via YouTube, and Ohio goes Republican in November. It'll happen more and more thanks to that ‘whacky‘ new-fangled interweb.
Re-elect Gore.
Thompson has not been completely forthright on his personal health issues. That is a serious wild card. I doubt the repubs want to think long term about "President Leiberman."
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