There’s a campaign out for
ClearWay Minnesota to raise awareness for the problem of secondhand smoke, found at
areyouokwiththat.com. Minnesota is a state that’s smoke-free in less than 40% of its workplaces. Which raises the question of why, if the Surgeon General says it’s bad, should laws be different in Arnifornia than they are in NYC, or wherever. (Guess cancer grow differently depending on where you live?) Anyway, the
TV spots definitely play the emotion card, and there’s also print which rehashes some of the fact-based approach Truth touched on previously. I think it all works though. Of course, that’s me the non-smoker talking. Smokers are the real target here. Problem is, they could give a shit about secondhand effects. They smoke around their own
kids–I doubt they care about their co-workers.
Tags: ClearWay Minnesota
1 comment:
Boston was smoke free for 3 of the 7 years I lived there and DC just went smoke free Jan. 1. It's the best thing ever. When I go home to Michigan I have problems going to some bars b/c it is just fucking gross.
I'm totally on the "if you want to kill yourself slowly please do it more than 10 feet from the building I'm standing in" bandwagon.
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