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Monday, May 28, 2007

“I see dead icecaps.”

Seriously, Nancy & Co., can’t you guys just stay at home and do your fucking jobs? You and the Dems are like the kid at Christmas who moves on to the next present before the one in front of them is even halfway opened. Bouncing from issue to issue like a 6th grader with ADD off his Ritalin drinking a six of Red Bull playing Halo 2. As if we don’t notice you can’t seal the deal on anything? What’s next on the daily To Do list, AIDS in Africa? Human rights in China? Focus on important issues–here: will McDonald’s ever have decent advertising, why Die Hard 4 is even necessary, the Yankees and their pitching.

You know, shit like that.

(via Drudge)

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Scott Baradell said...

You know, Bill, women are great a multitasking.

Scott Baradell said...

also "at" multitasking

Blue Texan said...

Yeah! Focus on "other issues" -- like how much the Republicans have managed to screw up TWO wars.

You know, stuff like that.

Anonymous said...

No arguement from me there BT, but that's not the point in this case. They aren't supposed to be touring the world on our dime trying to play world leader. They may disagree with the President, but it’s not their job to go around pushing their own global agenda.

And for the record, both sides have fucked up handling the war. The Dems because they got bullied into voting for it under the threat of being labeled anti-American if they didn’t. And if by two GOP wars you mean Bush Sr. and his trip to the Gulf, well, at least he was smart enough to stay out of Iraq the first time. His son? Not so much.

As far as the MTLB war solution? Twofold:

1) Stop propping up dicators like Saddam under the “Dictator you know is better than the one you don’t’ Great Good manifesto which keeps getting us into these situations


2) A mushroom cloud in the Afghanistan desert Sept. 12th, 2001.

Anonymous said...

(meant ‘Greater Good’)