Hey, I know, hire me! Here are a few freebies to start you off. Perfect for any occasion and best of all, they’re candidate agnostic:
• “Hi, I’m running for president.”
• “Standing here in line with real people–like you.”
• “Just leaving the local emergency room visiting patients who can only afford to pay for their senator’s health care.”
• “Hi, I’m running for president.”
• “Just passed a homeless person. I love being in touch with real people–like you.”
• “Just had dinner with an honest to goodness middle class working family, I mean, I’ve heard about them, but to actually experience one up close? Words fail.”
• “Just leaving the general store in town. You know, growing up, my dad used to say (insert example of heartwarming family tale while, um, growing up).”
The other candidates ‘just like you and me’ and their twitter stats:
Mitt Romney:
Joined April, 2007
Followers: 15
Updates: 0
Yet to announce he’s even running President Fred (get used to that title):
Joined March, 2007
Followers: 632
Updates: 26
Rudy Giuliani (His updates and thus his info are private. Way to be open Rudy):
Joined March, 2007
Followers: 0
Updates: 0
John McCain:
Joined April, 2007
Followers: 19
Updates: 0
Barack Obama:
Joined March, 2007
Followers: 4,139
Updates: 26
Hillary Clinton:
Joined March, 2007
Followers: 73
Updates: 0
John Edwards:
Joined January, 2007
Followers: 3,250
Updates: 75
Not running, but Al “I took the initiative in creating the internet” Gore:
Joined November, 2006
Followers: 27
Updates: 0
Tags: Hillary Clinton, President Fred Thompson, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, twitter, Billary
Al Gore never claimed to have invented the Internet.
See-man-ticks. Even still, the internets were well on their way before Al ever showed up.
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