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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tron the remake–and cute puppies.

Movies look to the past for inspiration, always have. I just don’t remember the trend being this pervasive. Used to be a ‘classic’ had to age 40 years before it became the basis for a remake. Now, it’s like any old flick is game and the minimum safe distance from the blast is 10 years–if that. Not that it’s just any old flick, but Tron is now scheduled for a makeover reimagining sequel remake. (The same director is also going to handle the Logan‘s Run remake as well.) When Tron came out, it was groundbreaking because of the special effects, still, nobody knew about this movie ahead of time. (There just weren’t the mechanisms in place to promote they way they do now. It also meant a movie had a chance at succeeding because it was left in theaters a lot longer to build word of mouth.) Will the expectations be greater for this new version because of all that we’ve seen since in terms of movie FX? Maybe. It won’t be surprising anyone this time though unless it A) Is absolutely amazing or B) Doesn’t have to have live up to those expectations and takes a different path:

Tron and cute puppies.

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1 comment:

Joker said...

My whole problem is that it gets to the point where you just say that hollywood is in a creative drought. Honestly, there are so many remakes and so many SUCKY remakes that seeing Tron put on the slab worries me. I still think the original rules and has everything needed for it to not be remade. We'll see, maybe it works or maybe we'll be disappointed yet again. Can you say the fog, halloween, or poseidon. Yeah.... seems time to get some good people writing again.