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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Exploding volcanic moon. (Yawn.)

You’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all. Really though, I dig stuff like this. NASA released this image of Jupiter’s moon Io displaying volcanic activity. My interest though in this astronatauticalogy has a more humble origin back here on Earth–where the photo was actually taken last February but released two months after it happened. Oh tell me this isn’t a government run operation. I bet a light year then isn’t really that long, it’s just that the government needed a way to measure the slothian time it takes them to do things.

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1 comment:

RFB said...

I'll give NASA that - they do serve up some nice pictures.

There was a time in my life when watching Earth Views on the NASA channel was a fun pastime.

(It helped to be under the influence of something.)