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Monday, October 8, 2007

Give us what we want or you’ll never se...

Wait, we already have what we want. Damn. Okay, here’s what we meant: If you want us to not have control, then you won’t see them again. No wait, that’s not it either.

Arresting thought in the poster and on this outdoor here in Newton, MA, but I’m not so sure Congress is completely helpless here. It’s a gun culture and they have a vested interest in seeing it continue. Start there first, like Truth did with the culture of smoking. Maybe the anti-gun coalition should just team up with PETA, because both continue to employ the same tactics seemingly without much success.

Instead, why not follow Truth’s lead and address the effects. Show me videos of bloody flash mobs falling down in front of gun manufacturers. Funerals for kids who found their dad’s gun—attended by just the victim’s 3rd grade class. I mean, if you’re going to throw fake blood on models, have some balls and really shock people.

Regardless of how much smokeless tobacco ads still may reach kids, look at how the Truth work and the big tobacco lawsuits have turned public opinion against smoking–in little more than a decade. How the hell did that happen? It was one of the mainstays of American society since like, forever. Not to mention the alcohol, firearms and meat industries. Across the country, half the bars, restaurants and workplaces have gone smokeless, yet how many new retail fast food places are opening every day.

When PETA and the anti-gun crowd stop hating people, then they’ll start to become more effective with their messaging. Why alienate the ones who could help?

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that one was geared a little more towards PETA, lol. But, the first cry out of the anti-gun crowd is “why do people need an AK to hunt deer,” etc. Honest people aren't the ones going out on killing sprees though, yet all the well-intentioned measures I see to curb gun violence just heap more rules on law-abiding people who follow the existing ones now.

Criminals will find a way around a waiting period, or the availability on the black market. What's their answer for that? Come up with some answers there and real progress can start to be made.