advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Help me kill a sock puppet. Please.

I’ll need three or four bloggers, tops. It won’t take long, you’ll be back blogging about car ads in no time. Your country will owe you a debt of gratitude. If you don’t, the real fake testimonial sincerity will spread.

Damn. Too late. I warned you.


Thinking In Vain said...

I would've helped, I despise that little puppet.

Joker said...

Two statements...

the only good sock puppet is a dead sock puppet....


that one can feel free to choke on a cock. I hate when people talk in advertising lingo, tone and manner.

This most be one of the crappiest commercials ever... bar some.

Ps.: I fucked Lamb chop when I was 13

Anonymous said...

I hope you washed the sock.

Joker said...

Actually I didn't and the typo above shows why lol. But nah, just tossed the sock into some unsuspecting person's gym locker.