advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

But wait, there’s more.

Scientology is no good for you? (Clip here.)
Tropical fish planning geeks.
Oh yes it is.
I might maybe 'sorta' miss it.
It would look very cool indeed.
Affect, effect. It’s, its. Gorilla, Guerilla.
Franchisees running the show.
Good luck with No. 5.
Overused phrase of the year: “engaging the consumer.”
Natalie P-Fed. Up.
But what he really wants to do is direct.
Solving the right problem.
A permanently dilated right pupil + 59 other things about Bowie.
Twitter sluts.
If McDonald's can be sued for making people fat, anything's possible.
Ghost beach.

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