advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Plaid Nation Tour - First Blood Part 2.

So yeah, it’s back and Badder than ever! I head out Sunday to start the fun next week. Fun I say. Follow along on the interactive dashboard and watch us try not to swear on camera—too much: There’ll be a few more cameras this time so you can change views yourself. We’re also doing a live show each day at 11:40 PST called, um, The 11:40 Show. No matter where we are, we’ll just stop and go for it. Shit we've seen to that point, things on our mind, whatever. Even we don’t know.

You can IM the van too and tell us we suck or should be working, your call. (Username: plaidnation) ADD IT NOW TO YOUR BUDDY LISTS. GO ON. Of course you can follow on Twitter, Facebook or Friendfeed as: plaid.
GO AND FOLLOW NOW YOU FORGETFUL BASTARDS. And because you need freebies—YOU PEOPLE HAVE NEVER THANKED ME—if you blog about the tour, we’ll send out a free t-shirt. Details here.

At this point you’re thinking, ewww, more social media shit. Relax. It’s not just that. Basically, while there’s a ton of talk about ‘conversation’ and social media going on lately, we go out and actually have some.
We meet, brands, agencies, bloggers and the homeless. Whoever we find. But why?

First, Plaid is an award-winning traditional/interactive design firm that was doing a lot of this stuff already. We just noticed though that there’s a disconnect between both traditional and interactive shops when it came to the internets and clients trying to figure it all out.

Secondly, it sure beats sending out another agency self-promo postcard. Plaid’s just happens to come attached with a van.

(And as for MTLB, it’s gonna be okay. Really. It is. I’ll still be posting here although possibly not 15 times each day. I’ll just likely be running a lot of stuff through the tour blog.)


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