advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Billy, Vince, Tony, Snuggie, Slanket and whoever else—move over.

How often do you get true blogging gold thrown in your lap, what, maaaaybe once every few years? I mean true gold. As you know, I was fortunate enough recently to experience it a second time. That doesn’t happen often. You’d have better luck being First! on a Lindsay Lohan post at TMZ.

For the first time ever here though, you are about to witness gold for a third time.

I GIVE YOU SELF–AFFIRMATION! SELF-AFFIRMATION CHEERS! SELF-AFFIRMATION PUZZLES TO YOUR LIFE! SELF–AFFIRMATION TRINKETS! Only thing better would be if they shipped it to you in a Snuggie. Thank you Good Cheer Company, thank you.

(Via Scheuguy.)


Cynthia said...


IF this is blogging gold, @MTLB, you underestimate your prowess with words.

: )


Anonymous said...

Don’t you just feel the inspiration?