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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

“If you use hits of the 70s...”

See, if I was Thinking Outside The Bun™, I’d have Two Jive Crew pull up and rap the Pina Colada song. But I guess mixing in highway/office/breakcation wordplay is just as good. Since we’re in the middle of a classic hits as entire strategy avalanche—Breyers, Swiffer—I want you people to understand something:

These. Songs. Sucked. The. First. Time. They. Came. Out.

Don’t believe me? Now you do.

This was a year after Van Halen’s first album people. A year.



John J. Wall said...

Burt Sugarman's Midnight Special. Awesome.

HighJive said...

One-word explanation for Taco Bell spot: Draftfcb.

phillybikeboy said...

Sure, Van Halen I was a great album, but if you want the best VH tune for a Taco Bell spot, you've got to wait until 1982's Diver Down, and Little Guitars.

"Senorita,Im in trouble again,
And i cant get free ( Senorita )
Hear exactly what the doctor ordered"

You can make up your own juvenile, scatological lyrics from there.