advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Making Happy with Yahoo.

Hey, I don’t just give crap to ads I’m not crazy about, I bring the love when necessary! Plaid is doing something cool in conjunction with Yahoo and their Purple Pedals initiative. Basically, Yahoo took 20 purple bikes and outfitted them with cameras that take a picture every :60 seconds, then automatically uploads them to Flickr.

Plaid got one of the bikes to experiment with. Rather than just ride around and let the camera snap away, we threw around some ideas to involve people. Basically, Plaidsters are riding around asking people what makes them happy, then recording the answers. It’s still going on and you can next catch up with this Sunday at the Aldrich Museum near PWH*. They’ll be putting together a wrap-up of the whole thing after it’s done.

What I like about Yahoo and the bikes is that it integrates users with their Flickr site in a way the new Y!ou ads aim for. (Speaking of the :60 camera thing, check out Jim Knowles Spy Box, where he built a camera into a package and had it shoot picks every minute as it made its way through the postal system.)

*Plaid World Headquarters

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