advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Because it’s easier to write copy that plays on people’s fears?

Why would any red-blooded All-American copywriter give up a weekend to work on a Sylvania TV spot to sell more headlights? SilverStar® ULTRA headlights that apparently let you blind 50% more drivers? Because he works in advertising and that’s his job? CORRECT! Actually, any red-blooded All-American male into football has better time management skills than that—those bulbs are being changed before the game starts. That’s what red-blooded All-American males do on Sundays: Milk a job that takes all of 15 mins into a full morning’s worth of work. That way, their red-blooded All-American wives can’t bother them to do other stuff. And daughters may be more expensive to replace, but not impossible. I’ve seen ads. No, I have. And, they’re already house-broken too.*

*Cue emails from Amnesty International crowd about children sold into slavery.

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