advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ashley Madison attempts the "Banned Ad" thing. *yawn*

Australia is apparently running this spot for the *dating* service during the upcoming Oscars, while the U.S. is not. Yea, free speech down under! Or is it more, yea, good taste up here? Latter! And ad bloggers like me are running to their keyboards to hook them up with more of that free PR they crave. Ashley Madison will claim there’s hypocrisy at work because of the themes in the movies that night. (Pssst. That’s pretend. Make-believe. They don’t advocate the lifestyles they depict.) Here’s the thing though, and it’s what kept Mancrunch from ever having a realistic shot at getting on the Super Bowl, and has nothing to do with gay, not-gay, single, not single, etc.— The ad just ain’t that good. Come Oscar night, there are going to be parodies by the best FX houses (and plastic surgeons) in the world doing segments throughout the evening, and then this comes on? It’s like student work with actors and spray paint. (Pssst. I don’t recall lighter and darker blue skin tones in Avatar, ammirite?) So move along. Nothing more to see here.

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