advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

All along the search engine.

Hey, don’t hate—you try working “Google’s in the basement” into a lyric. So Bob Dylan’s cultural eff YOU to Jobs and his significance aside—I absolutely hate Dylan by the way—have you tried new Google Instant? Why, all the web’s a blaze! Google’s latest spin on their soon to be one trick ad pony shows how we’ve gone from interpreting what HAL thought you were looking for to him offering results of what you’re looking for—before you look for it. According to Google, their theory being people respond to search results faster by visual means than they actually do when typing out what they’re searching for in the first place. Pretty soon, our results’ results? Will have results. Oh, and if you wanna see the behavior emulated for Bing, there’s this.


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