advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Expert wanted – $10 an hour.

*Only* $10? Wow. Seems high, for an expert. And they say (blank) media doesn’t pay. Elance, home of the exploited worker telecommuter. Sure it’s not picking produce in a field or working the fries, but someone has to lead job creation in the techtopia we’re in.


This Industry is Screwed said...

I suppose it's time that a "skill set" so over-valued as that of "social media expert" should be reduced to this. As I've always said, a child could do it. Or an intern. We could only hang on to the mystery and difficulty of the practice for so long. Much like SEO.

This person has the strategy down. He needs to get his offers out on Twitter and Facebook. Now he just needs a drone to do it for him. Once he figures out he can set up timed Tweets from his phone that automatically update his Facebook, he won't even need the drone.

I think it's time for me to find a new career. Fries and orange picking would be tranquility compared to this. And just as lucrative.

Unknown said...

First off, freelancers on Elance see low budget jobs all the time. Many get no bids. This particular listing is not as outrageous as you imply. While it asks for an "expert", anyone could set up those tweets in advance with very little effort.

Some buyers end up hiring someone whose bid is higher because they want quality. Some just want the job done. And Providers have to decide what they think is fair.

Anonymous said...

@WotV - That spin aside, Elance, like other tech job sites, constantly run ads asking for things that devalue or cheapen an industry already struggling to develop even a semblance of standards.