advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ads... ads... (news)... ads... ads....

Are the new online journalism? Yah! This wireframe was part of a story on the redesign at AdPulp, but it’s worth pulling out as accurate look at what the user experience on journalism sites has become.


Kevin said...

not to mention that the new Ad Age site has been mostly inaccessible since it launched.

the few moments that it has been operational, page load times have been excrutiatingly slow as the dozen or so ad networks ping your browser...what a disaster.

must have been a little short on funding for Q.A. or server space...hacks...

Everyman* (There's always a Disclaimer) said...

I find the shortened content advantageous from the standpoint that I'm aging and busy. I'm to the point now where I don't even care to pick up a printed newspaper.

I was asked to renew my weekend New York Times I never renewed when we moved. And I'm not missing it as much as I used to.

So the A.D.D. online articles ... oh what....sorry i was looking at something else.