advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Trust me.

I’ve been too insanely busy to provide the MTLB fan club the quality content it expects DESERVES. In these two weeks alone, I am a ping pong ball being hit from a shoot in the fields of NC to Atlanta > SC > Los Angeles > Santa Fe > SC > Santa Fe > SC. Which is also me attempting a tenuous at best thematic connection to the campaign below. Sent in by about the only PR guy to earn mtlb PR certification (who also likely cringes at what will get written each time out):

Agency: “Hey, did that piece run on MTLB?”
Dan: “Yep.”
Agency: “Oh yeah? Cool. Did he like it?”

(Dramatic blogging hard return pause added for effect.)

Dan: “Define ‘like.’”

The campaign for basically says forget trusting your employees, because they’re either incompetent or untrustworthy. (Win-Win!) Plus, you need to know for sure just who is spending too much time on Not exactly the platform to build a company vibe on, though. (More after the jump.)

(Agency: MossWarner.)

1 comment:

RFB said...

Goth girls are hackers, fat girls are clumsy, guys with disheveled hair are up to no good.

This product and other employee tracking software, are a big reason why people are disgruntled.