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Saturday, April 8, 2006

Cool astronomy stuff.

Most creatives look at stuff nobody else does. And ok, I admit it, I like funky phenomena in nature. No, not things like, how did Jessica Simpson even get a SAG card. I mean some things you see every day (or not) and may never have been aware of. The first image is taken from the International Space Station of the recent total eclipse - as it appeared from space. The dark spot is the shadow of the moon on the earth. Courtesy of In effect, it’s what the earth looks like when not exposed to the sun, but here, the effect is eerie.

And the second cool thing is the so-called “Belt of Venus” seen at sunset. It appears as a bluish-gray haze just below an area of bright pink right after the sun goes below the opposite horizon. That’s actually the earth’s shadow being reflected into the atmosphere.

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