advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Monday, May 1, 2006

Random act of logo.

All pay heed: is there any logo or package more perfect than the one for the Boyer Mallow Cup? More perfect than that even? Their website. So um, incredible is it, that here is my open offer to Boyer: Because I would not be where I am today without the aid of the most perfect food known to mankind, I will redesign the site for free in exchange for a lifetime supply of Mallow Cups.

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Anonymous said...

I wonder if web design has been with us long enough so that now there's a reassuring familiarity with primitive design. Seriously. Sure it's a little hard to look at, but it does convey authenticity. They're so into their plant they put an artist rendering of it at the footer, and lots of pics of the assembly process inside, pics that were taken by the floor supervisor, I'd guess. The DIY look conveys self-reliance, which dovetails with the company history, having started door-to-door during the depression with home-made candy. Am I talking you out of a job?

Anonymous said...

Shhhh. I need the Mallow Cups man. They're my crack.

I agree with the nostaglia/primitive thing 110%. I did work for Whiffle® and it's this little family-run biz in an old industrial valley town. They don't want to change their look from the 1950's thing they have. And it works. But, it works because it has a cohesive look.

Boyer's is all over the map. Nav even up at top right? I will retain the nostalgia FuNk while making sure it all works nicely together more betterer.

Having said that however, it needs to convey authenticity without looking amateurish. The functionality needs updating as well. (Things like eliminating frames, which I think the Amish don't even use anymore.)

FF - it is your task to spread the word and get me my redesign opportunity.

Anonymous said...

I like the way you think, mister. However, I worry about the physical consequences of blogging when combined with a limitless candy supply. Trying to help you secure the work based on a payment scheme in the currency of your habit -- well, I, I, just can't

czeltic girl said...

If you want some help with the info architecture of the site, I'll help out for a few Mallow Cups thrown my way. :)

And yes, keep the nostalgia, but fer chrissake, make the site function better. Frames. *shudder* (And maybe add some silly little things, like putting the address on the outlet store page. Or maybe it's just more fun to make people drive around until they smell the factory. "Go to Altoona, then you're on your own. Good luck!")

Anonymous said...

"If you want some help with the info architecture of the site, I'll help out for a few Mallow Cups thrown my way."

See that every? Groundswell baby.


cg, I'll keep you in mind.


Maulleigh said...

The ONLY thing that would make that website oldschool (html circa 1998) would be some Comic Sans to add to the nuttiness!