advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

And by day, I’m a wiseass.

Wired has some solid articles and writing. So why do the ads in it suck? It’s like the ones you see in the back of a tech conference 12-page program. Sexy. Anyway, found one I’m taking to Funky Noun: brand name as verb. As in, do you Zappos? I Zappos actually. Ordered stuff a few times. No problems. Except with this ad.


1 comment:

RFB said...

To turn your brand name into a verb is the ultimate in creating brand awareness, but it should happen naturally, like with Xerox or Google.

Yahoo! has tried this and failed. ("Do You Yahoo!?")

Smelly contrivance.

As for that ad, he may be a high powered executive by day, but on the weekends he is a World War II reenactor, on the Nazi side.