advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

The day the music died.

Tiki I can see.

Andy Garcia too.

But when Joan Jett sells out?

Rock dies, man.




RFB said...

Rock died when the Stones wrote and performed a Rice Krispies jingle in 1964.

Joan has been riding that damn song since it first came out. Her first, last and only hit.

Check out the "the artist" who "discovered" Joan and manufactured the Runaways.

Anonymous said...

I think Joan had a case of Mellencamp envy.

Somewhere, two streams just got crossed with that reference. I only pray we live to tell the tale.

Stanley Johnson said...

Two 'what were they thinking' car ad soundracks down under at the moment.

They're both for Mitsubishi. One features The Beatle's Revolution. The other has Dylan/Hendrix's Hard Rain's Gonna Fall.

Worse thing is they obviously couldn't afford the original tracks and the cover versions are absolutely appalling.
