advertising and other stuff. no, really.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Rock on, logo rock stars.

Pretty much everyone in the known logo universe emailed me this from steve to dem der whacky Canucks up nort. Rest assured, if and when I do actually come up with a theme song, it’ll be more Henry Rollins than REO Speedwagon meets Spinal Tap. announces its next portfolio night coming up on May 3rd. (Based on the list of cities included in the event, Dallas and the rest of the south get no love.) Anyway, Spinal Tap Lite Burn Back is the house band for the event. Or something like that.



James-H said...

I know you're baiting me to comment on the whole "no love/Dallas" thing, Bill, but really? The south is full of one-agency towns. We like it like that.

James-H said...

By the way, that Iron Maiden font SUCKS.

Anonymous said...

Me? I would never chum the waters like that.